Forums Terms & Rules

  • You MUST read the Printing Press Forum Rules before making your first post otherwise you may get permanent warning points or a permanent Ban.
    For JOBS Don't Use The CONTACT US Page
  • Does job posting date matter?.

    As a job seeker, do you ever look at the date a position is posted?

    If not, you should.

    Time to fill is a KPI (Key performance indicator) for recruiters and organizations that essentially measures the number of days between the publication of a job and getting an offer accepted.


Staff member
Press Expert
Sep 7, 2022

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Don't ever spam

This forum is no-way a place to promote your blog/website/forum/social media either directly or indirectly. Keep the core contents of your post to this forum only (We may put a temporary ban or permanent ban depending on spamming level). This also includes the content of PMs you send to other members.

Keep threads & posts on topic, and please respect others.

  • Respect the original poster of each thread – replies should be on topic with the original post in a thread. Replies must not derail or disrupt the thread discussion based on the original post. Otherwise, start a new thread of your own.
  • No duplicate or cross-posting.
  • No spam/spam vertising – please do not post threads or posts which other users would find to be spam or spam vertising. Do not include spam vertisting links within posts. An example which would be considered spam vertising, which is prohibited, would be to link the word postcard to your website in post 1 and then link the word flyer to your website in post 2 and then link the word banner printing to your website in post 3. This would be seen as spam or spam vertising and is not allowed.
  • Posts must be substantive to the forum and/or topic at hand. A little humor is ok, but only in the context of on-topic ideas or information. Posts should not be made that contain only a sarcastic jab or humorous remark with no new information or ideas.
  • Language should be professional and understandable and must be in English as the common language of the site.

Please be kind to your fellow forum members. Conduct must be conducive to sharing ideas and information.

  • Please be kind to each other and please be polite to all fellow forum members.
  • Discussion on the forum should be based always on ideas and factual information and should never degenerate to a personal attack or insult.

Do not ask for, post, or link to any illegal or copyrighted material.

  • You agree that you will only upload photos or documents with your posts on the forum which are your own works or which you have permission to share on the Printing Forum or which are not bound by copyright restrictions.
  • While we greatly respect people for wanting to be able to maintain their own machines, or have the information to oversee maintenance and service, please don't get the forum into trouble by requesting any restricted or illegal (prohibited from sale, or which would violate copyright) material. It is fine to sell, trade, request or give manuals or tools as long as they are not prohibited from such sale/trade and don't violate copyright (if they are out of copyright for example). It is fine to ask about the procedure for obtaining manuals or tools that are restricted through proper channels. It is fine to ask questions that others can help answer regarding servicing your press. But please do not get the forum into trouble by asking for or offering items or linking to any sites illegally offering items which are protected by copyright or restricted by the copyright holder such as restricted service manuals or restricted software.

Please keep the forums school, work, and family-safe. Do not post any obscene or explicit material.

  • If you wouldn’t want your child to read or see the content or if you would be embarrassed to view the page in front of colleagues or your boss at work, then it’s probably not family-safe and please don’t post it on the forums here. Please do not post any images, cartoons, links, stories, or jokes which depict nudity, sexually explicit or erotic material, close-ups of body parts which would be considered not family-safe, or anything which promotes racism or violence which would be inappropriate to view in a home, school, or work setting or which would cause the site to be blocked or filtered.
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